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Vedasoft Services
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Small Business Services
Vedasoft Services    Small Business Services

Vedasoft Small Business Services provide small businesses with cost-effective information technology solutions and services that make their operations more efficient, motivate their employees and market their products and services to a broader spectrum of customers.

Vedasoft's Small Business Services include:

Vedasoft E-Commerce Platforms - develops high-end e-commerce platforms and custom solutions to enable companies to manage and update their product catalogs, marketing collateral, pricing and customer information, as well as enable B2B and B2C transactions with partners, suppliers and customers.

Vedasoft Business Process Consulting
- foster efficiencies and cost-containment by applying business process improvements such as the automation of repetitive and manual tasks, and the streamlining of administrative processes.

Vedasoft Website development - includes the design, technical writing, implementation and staging of a website that markets the company's products and services and promotes them via customizable search engines.
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