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Vedasoft Business Mobility Solutions provide real-time or off-line enterprise-level data to mobile users on smart devices such as laptops, PDA's and Tablet PCs. Embedded analytics, a range of efficiency tools and seamless integration with office software increase the Add-productivity and agility of the mobile workforce. A 360-degree view of key business processes enables rapid and anticipatory response to customer needs, leading to long-term and profitable customer relationships.

Sales Force Automation

The Vedasoft Mobile Sales solution turned around the sales order processing of a leading manufacturer of chemical products, while delivering unprecedented cost, time, and productivity gains.

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Vedasoft E-Commerce Solutions dramatically improve business-to-business (B2B) transactions between organizations:
Catalog Management solution manages products and optimizes their value throughout their life cycle.
Punchout Solution enhances efficiency and competitive advantage by fully integrating supplier and buyer e-commerce systems through the supply-chain.
Pricing Engine Solution efficiently manages pricing policies and optimizes price levels to a range of parameters.
Vedasoft Services helps our clients streamline Information Technology and simplify operational complexities by leveraging our long-term expertise in consulting, custom solution, design, information management, development and integration.
Vedasoft Healthcare Solutions spur efficiencies by automating labor-intensive paper-based administrative processes and reducing errors. Our integration solutions facilitate communication between systems, enhancing functionality, efficiency and responsive patient care.
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