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Vedasoft Solutions
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Vedasoft Solutions    Healthcare Solutions

Vedasoft Healthcare Solutions capitalize on our expertise in business mobility solutions, custom solutions and integration services to enable healthcare providers to deliver cost-effective and responsive healthcare services. Vedasoft Healthcare Solutions streamline processes and enhance productivity in the following areas:

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Management - Vedasoft's Account Management application enables the electronic management of a patient's medical record, maintaining up-to-date records and eliminating labor-intensive paper-based administrative processes. Our web services and integration services integrate EMRs with other systems - such as pharmacy and insurance systems - adding functionality, efficiency and responsive patient care.

Mobile Medicine - enable physicians to access accurate patient medical records to provide medical care to patients anytime, anywhere, via laptops or PDAs. Mobile messaging between physicians and external support systems improves patient response and service.

Systems Integration Services - seamlessly integrate physicians, insurance providers, pharmacies and patients, enabling efficient, responsive and cost effective healthcare services.

Robust security architecture - and the use of advanced data encryption technologies ensure that data and transactions are secure and comply with HIPAA regulations.
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