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Vedasoft Solutions
Business Mobility Solutions
Ecommerce Solutions
Custom Solutions
Healthcare Solutions
Home    Vedasoft Solutions

Vedasoft Solutions help organizations flexibly and rapidly build, implement, and execute new Information Technology strategies and processes. Vedasoft Solutions leverage an organization's existing IT infrastructure, thus maintaining a sustainable cost structure. From real-time visibility across the entire enterprise, or a custom-built implementation, Vedasoft offers a range of comprehensive solutions that can help organizations address their unique needs.

Business Mobility Solutions - extend the enterprise to real-time or off-line mobile users on laptops or Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), empowering them to make informed decisions and provide best-in-class service, delivering superior business results and customer satisfaction.

E-Commerce Solutions - dramatically improve business-to-business (B2B) transactions between organizations.
  Our Catalog Management Solution manages products and optimizes their value throughout their life cycle; 
  Our Punchout Solution enhances efficiency and competitive advantage by fully integrating supplier
                                       and buyer e-commerce systems; and 
  Our Pricing Engine Solution efficiently manages pricing policies and optimizes price levels to a range of parameters.

Custom Solutions- synchronize the enterprise with best-in-class technologies and software, connecting specific business processes, tools and technologies to the unique needs of an individual organization.

Healthcare Solutions - spur efficiencies by automating labor-intensive paper-based   administrative processes and reducing errors and omissions. Our integration solutions facilitate communication between disparate systems, enhancing functionality, efficiency and responsive patient care.
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