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Vedasoft Solutions    Ecommerce Solutions

Vedasoft E-Commerce Solutions allow organizations to integrate their e-commerce infrastructures with their partners, suppliers and customers, enabling seamless B2B and B2C transactions. Our solutions deliver unsurpassed increase in revenue, productivity and competitive advantage throughout the value chain.

Vedasoft E-Commerce Solutions include:

Website Development - includes the design, technical writing, implementation and staging of a website that markets the company's products and services and promotes them via customizable search engines.

Catalog Management Solutions - implement a web-based catalog management tool that defines, manages and deploys product information over multiple business units and marketing channels.

Punchout - enables customers to access, select, and configure goods for purchase from a supplier's online catalog, without ever leaving their own procurement infrastructure.

Pricing Management - sets up and instantly updates pricing policies for differentiated business units, product lines, market segments, geographies, sales forces and channels.

Case Study: The Vedasoft catalog management and punchout solutions enabled its client to become the exclusive supplier for products required by the Detroit Public School System. Read more
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