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Vedasoft Solutions
Business Mobility Solutions
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Vedasoft Solutions    Business Mobility Solutions

Vedasoft Business Mobility Solutions grow revenue and reduce operating expenses by integrating people, processes and technology that are often disengaged by time, distance, or disconnected systems. By facilitating the timely flow of enterprise-level data to and from the field, our solutions empower mobile employees to make informed decisions and provide best-in-class service, building strong relationships and long-term customer satisfaction.

Vedasoft's Business Mobility Solutions are available for both Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and laptops, and offer the following functionalities:

Robust security architecture - and the use of advanced data encryption technologies ensure that data and transactions are secure.

Scalable solution - ease of deployment across multiple entities and compatibility with multiple disparate applications ensures faster time-to-market.

Relationship Management - enables mobile workers to maintain accurate and up-to-date information about their clients, building long-term relationships. The ability to store personal information and notes enables organizations to manage their accounts more effectively.

Seamless integration with PDA and PC office tools - access to information anytime, any place and anywhere, and seamless integration with Microsoft office tools, calendar functions and routing management keeps the mobile worker more productive and efficient. Speedy synchronization and conflict resolution of data between devices increases efficiency and reduces errors.

Document Management - provides mobile sales professionals the ability to fax, print or email documents to their prospects or customers.

Embedded Analytics - enables organizations to analyze their customer's needs and buying patterns, providing valuable and actionable business intelligence for additional competitive advantage.

From our proven Vedasoft Mobile SFA to our wide-ranging experience in Microsoft .Net, we are ready to design and implement mobile business solutions for the manufacturing, healthcare, insurance, pharmaceuticals, and financial services industries as well as shipping and distribution, and retail and merchandising.

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