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Sales Force Automation
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Vedasoft Solutions Business Mobility Solutions Vedasoft Sales Force Automation

Functions and Features:

Accounts management - provides the sales professional with a 360-degree view of the customer and access to   account and customer information, either in real-time or off-line.
Order management - creates sales orders and quotations in real time or off-line. Views details of orders,   approves   and authorizes quotation items, and specifies routing.
Catalog management - selects and views products from a digitized catalog and price book that features always   accurate and up-to-date information.
Rule-based pricing engine - promotes flexible pricing for increased competitive advantage, and correlates
  pricing   policies, contractual agreements and customer discounts in accordance with established rules.
Commission wizard - instantly calculates commissions, providing incentives to sell at the optimal volume and  
  price point.
Scalable solution - ease of deployment across multiple entities and compatibility with multiple disparate
  applications ensures faster time-to-market.
User interface - intuitive graphical user interface features drop-down menus.


Modular solutions can be custom-built to any sales force function, irrespective of industry vertical.
Software and architecture can be seamlessly integrated with existing architecture.
Accurate and up-to-date product and pricing information reduces errors and omissions, and stimulates product
  up-selling and cross-selling, thus increasing revenue.
Access to customer information and intelligence enables the sales professional to strengthen customer relationships   and foster retention.
Automation increases productivity, and eliminates time-consuming paper-based and manual processes.

Case Study:
The Vedasoft Mobile SFA turned around the sales order processing system of a leading manufacturer of chemical products, while delivering unprecedented cost, time, and productivity gains. Read more

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