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Catalog Management
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Vedasoft Solutions    Ecommerce Solutions    Catalog Management

The Vedasoft Catalog Management Solution is a single interface that provides consistent and up-to-date product information - both externally to customers - and internally to marketing and sales teams. The web-based solution dynamically streamlines and automates product information throughout the product life cycle.

Functions and Features
Search and navigation functions – enable customers to search, navigate and compare products that answer   their   individual needs.
Rules-driven publishing function – sophisticated workflow process specifies authors and submits new   information   for approval prior to publication on websites, e-commerce sites or paper-based catalogs.
Flexible document management – streamlines content creation, filters information, and purges old   information,as   well as linking images, documents or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to each product.
Customized product pricing – differentiates products by pricing, customers, industry or product classification and   availability.
Compatibility with ERP systems – uses XML to interface with customer’s enterprise system, thus easing order   management and procurement.

  Marketing teams can streamline and automate their entire rollout process for creating new items, promotions, and   product configurations.
Product marketing is consistent and accurate, leading to better brand consistency and negligible duplications and   errors.
Personalized shopping experience means customers save time by locating products that meet their specific needs.
Revenue is maximized through enhanced cross-sell and up-sell offers and increased customer satisfaction.

Case Study: The rapid deployment of the Vedasoft catalog management solution brought its client’s 3,500 products online in record time. Read more
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