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Vedasoft Solutions Business Mobility Solutions Sales Force Automation Case Study

  "Vedasoft's experts engineered the turnaround of our sales processes. The introduction of on-line and off-
   line sales force automation tools streamlined the order handling process while providing real-time
   information to the sales rep. Vedasoft's timely, affordable and robust solution has already had a
   quantifiable impact on our bottom line."
CIO, Chemical Manufacturer, Fortune 1000 Company
sanjeev changed here
Sales Force Automation on a Smart Device, PC & Web 
A leading manufacturer of chemical products with annual sales of $2 billion serves over 300,000 customers in North America and Canada, covering a wide range of industry verticals (see box). The company's sales force suffered from a high rate of errors and omissions with their customer response and proposal process due to a legacy client/server and web application that caused 54 percent of the company's sales force to either call or fax an order to a customer sales representative - the most costly and time-consuming method of completing a sale.

Vedasoft designed and implemented a Sales Force Automation solution that empowered the mobile sales force with real-time or off-line customer and product information through a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or the web. Traveling sales representatives can now manage customer information, look up product and catalog specifications, check or update inventory or shipment status, and offer flexible pricing via a rules-based pricing engine. Instant access to the customer's purchasing and product history, as well as an efficient quote management function empowers the mobile sales representative to formulate quotes, and fax, print or email all the documents, to their prospects from their wireless handheld or PDA. Meanwhile, the route management system ensures that the order reaches the intended destination. Additionally, a commission wizard calculates commissions instantly, providing incentives to sell at the optimal volume and price point.


3500 industrial cleaning and   maintenance products for   professional use (25000   SKU's)
Customers: 300,000
Sales reps: 1,400
Sales per annum: $2 billion
Established: 1937
Location: Atlanta, Georgia

To reduce the transaction costs of order completion while increasing the agility and productivity of the sales team.
Delivered an average savings of $500,000 in the first 6 months of implementation
Reduced cost of executing an order by 78 percent.
Increased measured productivity by 50 percent and reduced errors and omissions by 90 percent.
Provided 360 degree view of customer and increased customer retention by 30 percent.
Provided competitive advantage by eliminating paper and manual work.
Rule-based pricing wizard enabled flexible pricing and product "up-selling" and "cross-selling".

Using the .NET framework, Vedasoft created a smart device solution that brought a wealth of information right to the palm of the sales representative in the field, providing them with a 360-degree view of their entire job function. XML-web based services and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) provided seamless integration between the Salesforce Automation Application and the old legacy system. Integration with Microsoft office tools and speedy synchronization made the mobile worker more informed, productive and efficient.
Modular solutions can be custom-built to any sales force     function, irrespective   of industry vertical.
Software and architecture can be seamlessly integrated with existing architecture.
Accurate and up-to-date product and pricing information     reduces errors and   omissions, and stimulates product   up-  selling and cross-selling, thus increasing   revenue.
Access to customer information and intelligence enables the   sales professional   to strengthen customer relationships and   foster retention.
Automation increases productivity, and eliminates   time-  consuming   paper-  based   and manual processes.
Speedy synchronization means less time spent on   sending/receiving   information   from enterprises, and   efficient   conflict resolution of data between   devices   reduces   errors.
The high reliability of the solution led to high early adoption rates of 50 percent among its field sales representatives, with 1,200 orders received daily, and almost 1.6 million orders received electronically within the second phase of the solution's implementation. The company has since extended the solution to two other business groups, and plans to bring its entire 1,400-strong sales force on board during the final phase of the implementation. Going forward, the company intends to expand Vedasoft Mobile SFA in the following areas:
Expanded Contact Management Function: With each sales representative servicing an average of 200 customers, the company intends to expand usage of the Contact Management function to remind sales professionals to schedule calls, meetings and appointments with their customers. Added features will include the ability to store personal information and notes as well as lead management and tracking. These added functionalities will enable the organization to gather accurate information about their customer's needs, leading to enhanced customer relationships.

Enhanced Sales Analytic Functions: The Company intends to expand the PDA's powerful reporting tools to encourage field sales representatives to report on a range of data points relating to pricing, products, customer buying patterns, competitive advantage, competitor information, and customer needs. This will provide valuable intelligence to Customer Sales Representatives to offer enhanced cross selling and up selling or products and services, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

SOLUTION Empowered the sales force with real-time customer and product information via a wireless handheld device.

  Application Details
Database of 50,000+ customers
360 degree view of the customer
Configurable Product history
Rule-based pricing engine
Catalog management
Commission wizard
Route management
Digital dashboard

Vedasoft Mobile SFA
Web Serivces, XML amd Soap
.Net platform
PDA, Web and Cell Phone
Wi-Fi, PC-based cable modem,   and Bluetooth-ready

Smart Device (PDA) SFA
Network: wireless connection

Contact Information:
Vedasoft, Inc.
Mailing Address:
8140 North Mopac Expressway,
Bldg 1 Suite 130,
Austin, TX 78759
Tel: (512) 346-1400
Fax: (512) 857-6599

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